New design in progress for a special request, and first punbb style
On a French FM directory board (, Toto456, the admin, contacted me because the webmaster of I-tchat is about to change forum script (from ipb to punbb 1.3.x - both are non-FM) for his support forum and so, he wants a custom design for the new version. So, he talked about it with Toto456 who then thought about me and so, PM'd me to ask me if I'm interested in making a punbb 1.3.x design for this webmaster.
Even if I had no experience in punbb, I knew I would learn quite fast since I have stronge knowledge in CSS2 (punbb is valid xhtml 1.0 strict). So, I installed punbb on my localhost and spent a whole night testing it and learning its CSS before I confirmed.
Then, this continued by email between me and the webmaster and I'm now quite advanced in the design progress.
Here's the current version of the demo who directly came out from my Gimp :
Note 1 : I only have the EN package, so I had to base my texts from the english texts I have on my local punbb testboard
Note 2 : Only the i-tchat logo (provided by the webmaster) + its derivatives, and the small planet icon (taken from open clipart library) aren't mine. The rest is homemade, even the navigation icons - I used the paths and selections a lot to draw them.
Note 3 : The table headers won't be as high as in the demo once CSS coded.
Note 4 : The fonts are here only for demo purpose. They will be removed before I cut the design in pieces.
Note 5 : I volontarily omitted some parts (texts between the menu and the forum index, stats box) in order to simplify the demo.
I'm currently waiting for his reply to see if there is anything to modify before I code it in the CSS.