Relation with the website/forum/blog's theme : 30%
A generalist forum needs a theme that doesn't have any lineage. By that I mean that for example a medieval theme wouldn't cut it right. Out of the selection of themes availiable, you chose one witgh a neutral tendancy - a good choice. It also gives a modern feeling to it, which if intended for the forum is another good choice. Your goal from here on is to keep this neutrality and maybe enhance certain aspects such as the "modern touch" or even bring on a limited added color to the palette.
Grade; 25/30
Coherency of the whole design (between colors, between buttons, between colors and buttons) 15%
First things first; on the home page, you can plaintly see without any difficulty that there's a difference between the fonts. Bad idea because this lacks coherency. The buttons are slightly opaque like the theme, while the banner text is almost highlight colored. This doesn't match either. In the previous paragraph, I mentioneed the idea of adding a little color, but also mentionned to keep a restrained palette. This isn't reflected with your topic icons; too many colors that don't appear elsewhere.
There's another incoherancy withing the Group Administration. Too many empty groups with flashy colors and virtually no group members. I'd advise you cut down the number and rethink on the different colors there.
The ranks have this same issue, once again the palette used doesn't match the rest of the theme
Grade; 6/15
Graphic quality : 15%
I'm forced to give a bad grade here I'm affraid. In short; you've officially got a graphics team, but the theme is taken from HitSkin and the personal images, except the banner, aren't home-made. My grade here would be around 3-7.
However, the theme itself isn't bad. So although I'd have tended towards a different grade, it's going for a 12/15. This is mostly so as you know what you've got for now and so that you aren't too penalised for the overall grading.
Grade: 12/15
Accessibility and ergonomy (text legibility, icon sizes, effect on the eyes) : 20%
The text is clear, the icons aren't oversized. The only issue is the groups; Da Acting Special staff is way too flashy compared to the rest of the theme.
Other than that, nothing else to mention really
Grade: 14/15
Customization : 20%
It's not one of yours, although you have a Graphic Team...
Only the basic images have been modified...
Grade; 13/20
Overall grade; 69/100
Not a bad forum, but work needs to be done. Don't think of what you first see and work by bits. Start from the drawing board and work your way up. Any webpage is the sum of the visual components present. You need to redefine your color palette used and either edit the minor details or the theme as a whole. Don't be affraid of the big work. Better go big quick when it comes to Graphics