The server that hosts Ishimaru Design and my three other sites was having problems. Sometimes, the server didn't respond ("Server not found" message under Firefox), sometimes only MySQL wasn't responding, and sometimes the websites were accessible, but for only short periods of time. These downtimes were usually sparse and short, but this time, it happened at the worst moment, as the admin is on vacation from July 8 to July 17 with no internet access. I thus had to leave a message on his Facebook wall in order to ask his friends to try to contact him for emergency. Once he'll be back, he will surely post about this issue on
the support forum (sorry, French only), so stay tuned !
But since I'll be on vacation from July 14th to July 31st, I wrote this message in advance, so when you'll read these lines, I'll probably have left already. So, in order to have this message delivered and to have this board monitored, I gave the accesses and backups to Tristou and Blackhawk which are two people I had as colleagues in past projects and that I can trust.
I am sorry for the inconveniences that are out of my control.
Ishimaru Chiaki
ps : The works on this site's future version are progressing nicely. The migration script to convert this board to FluxBB has just been finished and I began to adapt the website so it can function with FluxBB 1.4 sessions. This migration became necessary, for we have no news from CB's developer for a few months aready, which isn't a good sign regarding the maintenance.