Ishimaru Design is wishing you a merry Christmas with your beloved ones ! Enjoy good food, and drink with moderation !

I take this opportunity to give you some news regarding the progress of this site's future version.
By the fact that lately I became co-developer of Connectix Boards (since the beginning of this month), following a urgent situation (a security flaw in the latest stable version has been reported to us), I had less time for ID v6's development. But I took the time to work on it during the last week after I finally could solve an annoying bug in my upload and thumbnail generation script for the downloadable resources management. For this, I thank community for their help.
After solving this bug, I now have almost finished the resources management and display part. After, I still have to finish the tutorials parts, the static pages and the site settings. So I can say that around 75% of what I planned is done, even if I had to drop the screenshot multi-upload feature.
I still cannot give a release date, for it depends of my occupations and I don't want to revive the same situation than when I released ID v5 on July 2009, for which I didn't test enough and thus, I had to do many bugfixes after the release, as if it wasn't enough to have a power outage that made the maintenance last 16 hours instead of 5.
So this time, I want to make sure to do enough testing in order to fix as many bugs as possible before releasing ID v6. I am also considering opening the source code by uploading the files to Github, in order to let contributors find and report bugs and security flaws.
But I won't forget the screenshots, once everything is almost finished !
Enjoy your holidays !
Ishimaru Chiaki