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Ishimaru-Design > The Community (fr-en) > General Chat > English Zone > Ishimaru Pub
Missanthropy | #31 08/03/2008 - 08h50 |
Class : ID Newbie Offline Www |
lol Thanx :wink:
Skittles | #32 08/03/2008 - 12h51 |
Class : ID Newbie Offline |
Thanks! YUM!
Ishimaru Chiaki | #33 21/03/2008 - 01h41 |
Class : ID Admin |
I have just finished to make the missing icons for the forum and now, all is left is to insert them in the CSS, and to add the final touch to the stylesheet.
By the fact that this Saturday is my chair-skiing day, and Sunday is Easter Day (so I might be busy), the earliest day when I will be able to put the new version online is Easter Monday. Because this includes the board's migration, I will have to put a maintenance message in the site's root folder during the uploads. I will send a newsletter as soon as I finished everything, so I can give you a date for the maintenance. parse error: parse error, unexpected T_ANXIETE_SOCIALE in home/ishimaru/social.php on line 1 My portfolio (only available in French for now) |
Skittles | #34 22/03/2008 - 22h45 |
Class : ID Newbie Offline |
Chair-skiing day? Do u just mean you are going skiing where you will take a chair life up? I thought all skiing was like that, other than cross-country.
I have only been skiing once in my life. The instructors gave up on me at the Bunny Hill, after my 4th lesson or more. LOL I should have called it sledding because I pretty much sat on my skis the whole way down. hehehe And ran into a fence once...or was it a tree or bush? I can't remember. But it was something, because my friends said they should ask me to come again when they want some entertainment. :oops: lol |
AO Admin | #35 23/03/2008 - 00h13 |
Class : ID Newbie Offline |
I have never skiied in my life, we can't ski here 8) but you can go hinterland in NSW in the mountains there (west of Sydney) and I believe you can go skiing there.
There is also Perisha Blue in Victoria. I have not been to any of those 2 locations though (but I have been to Sydney and Canberra, but not Melbourne). Ah the joys of living in a country where it never snows in the main capital cities 8)
I hate exams
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Ishimaru Chiaki | #36 23/03/2008 - 00h38 |
Class : ID Admin |
No, I don't mean that. I talk about handiski for people with low mobility. There are two kinds : the one with the instructor, for people who can't ski by themselved (blindness or very low mobility), and the dual-ski for people who have low mobility only at their legs. The one I had is the one with the instructor. Here's a picture of this device : ![]() parse error: parse error, unexpected T_ANXIETE_SOCIALE in home/ishimaru/social.php on line 1 My portfolio (only available in French for now) |
AO Admin | #37 23/03/2008 - 04h38 |
Class : ID Newbie Offline |
I have to go to bed at 8pm tonight as we have to get up at 2:30am in the morning :shock: my sister is going down to Melbourne for a week, and we are all going to BNE airport to see her go, so at 3:30am we can leave the house to speed along the empty Brisbane streets in our super sexy red hot Ferrari
![]() OK ok I made that last part up. Leave at 3:30am so we can drive to the airport like proper citizens so she can check in my 4:30am to depart at 6:30am and arrive at Melbourne at 9:35am (8:35am Brisbane time as they have this nasty pickle called DST down there :twisted: ).
I hate exams
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maëlstrom_19 | #38 23/03/2008 - 09h18 |
Class : ID GFX Offline |
Ishi >> Wow, I've never saw that kind of skiing around here. I remember when I went to Mont-St-Anne in Québec, there were some blind people skiing by their selfs with a flash yellow jacket and an instructor behind yelling "LEFT... RIGHT... LEFT..." non-stop.
Blood | #39 23/03/2008 - 15h05 |
Class : ID Mod Offline |
![]() I'm offering everyone a beer; I've finally figured how to do something I've been dieing to do on The Gimp ![]() It concerns the banner I've currently got on my test board, which should be the basis of a new theme ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
AO Admin | #40 23/03/2008 - 20h36 |
Class : ID Newbie Offline |
It is 11:36AM here, my sister got her flight to Melbourne, we were at the domestic airport for like 3 or 4 hours :oops: we got there at like 4am and left at like 7am.
I have been up for 9 hours straight now, I want to sleep :evil: but my first draft for my history assignment is due tommorow and it need to be 1,500 words long :x what fun this is going to be.
I hate exams
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Skittles | #41 23/03/2008 - 22h11 |
Class : ID Newbie Offline |
WOW! That is really cool!!!
I didn't know they had such things for disabled people. That would be something that I would love to do. As there is no way I could even attempt to ski now. I wonder if they have it here in Sweden. I will have to check on that. Because my husbands closest friends go up to their families cabin in a ski resort area every year to ski, but my husband doesn't get invited anymore because I can't ski and they would feel bad leaving me out. That looks really fun! |
Missanthropy | #42 24/03/2008 - 00h18 |
Class : ID Newbie Offline Www |
* Grabs the Free beer* ~ Thanx :wink: I Peeked ![]() That's Beautiful..Very Nice Blood. ![]() |
AO Admin | #43 24/03/2008 - 01h36 |
Class : ID Newbie Offline |
Anyone want some cake? 8)
I hate exams
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Skittles | #44 25/03/2008 - 04h32 |
Class : ID Newbie Offline |
I will take some beer AND some cake! hehehe
I just had my morning coffee EXPRESS hehehe I took a large bowl (like to mix salads in), put in some vanilla ice cream, poured some Irish Cream syrup and some chocolate syrup on it. Added a half a mug of very very strong coffee (espresso basically), and a lot of Coffee Liquor. hehehe Mixed it all up, and drank it straight from the bowl with a straw! hahaha YUM!!!!!! It was fantastic! I can drink that kind of coffee every morning! I think next time, I will add more coffee liquor. I didn't feel or taste one bit of it! lol |
AO Admin | #45 25/03/2008 - 04h59 |
Class : ID Newbie Offline |
Wow that sounds delicious Skittles
![]() Once last year I tried to make apple juice... of course I had no idea what I was doing, I chopped up 4 apples, added apple juice then mixed it in the blender :x it tasted revolting! Of course there was no added sugar in it, maybe I should just pour a whole cup of sugar or salt in next time :? but that would make it really sugary and disgusting. When me and my sister get McDonalds, we like to remove the lid off the thickshake container and dip in our chips into the chocolate thickshake and eat it... yum, but it of course really revolts my parents. Haha.. then one time I was bored so I dipped part of my chicken fillet burger into the thickshake and ate it.. :wink: now that was an experience to remember... the bread got soggy and it all the thickshake ran down throughout the burger so it was like a sponge... :evil: My sister did a similar thing by dipping her chicken nuggets into it... she said it tasted really nice :shock: I know I am weird and eat weird things, but hey, thats me ![]() However, we might be a nation of wierd eaters :? on Australia Day, it was fashionable to go down to the local icecream palour and order a Vegemite flavoured icecream... it was the first time it had ever been tried and quite a few icecream places were selling it. Apparently it tastes quite nice, but I didn't want to try it. I wonder if next year they will make sausage flavoured icecream... oh god that makes me want to puke just thinking of the idea... P.S, what type of cake would you like? We have vanilla, black forest, sponge, chocolate, mud, butterscotch, caramel, strawberry...
I hate exams
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