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Ishimaru-Design > The Community (fr-en) > General Chat > English Zone > Ishimaru Pub
Ishimaru Chiaki | #46 25/03/2008 - 13h55 |
Class : ID Admin |
> AO : When I see people having weird tastes, I say they have phantom pregnancy XD I knew a guy who used to make spaghetti sandwiches
About Skittle's coffee, I think she takes it cold, that reminds me Tim Hortons's iced cappuccino By the way, just a piece of black forest cake. parse error: parse error, unexpected T_ANXIETE_SOCIALE in home/ishimaru/social.php on line 1 My portfolio (only available in French for now) |
AO Admin | #47 25/03/2008 - 16h27 |
Class : ID Newbie Offline |
A piece of black forest cake coming right up:
![]() Spaghetti Sandwiches? :shock: like did he just make spaghetti then get bread and put the spaghetti between it?
I hate exams
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Ishimaru Chiaki | #48 25/03/2008 - 23h12 |
Class : ID Admin |
Wow, this piece looks very delicious ! *should eat it right away, I have to calm down from tomorrow (wednesday) now that Easter has passed*
This guy is a friend of my brother and he lived one year with us when he was at high school because his mom's home was too far (1h30 by car) from the school. When we were cooking spaghetti, he used to put spaghetti between two bread slices. Yes that's weird ![]() parse error: parse error, unexpected T_ANXIETE_SOCIALE in home/ishimaru/social.php on line 1 My portfolio (only available in French for now) |
Skittles | #49 26/03/2008 - 21h05 |
Class : ID Newbie Offline |
It was cold of course. Way more cold things than hot things. It was fantastic and I am really thinking about having another one. lol I am currently fighting a sleep attack from my narcolepsy right now, so maybe it will help. But I doubt it, coffee is never strong enough for people with narcolepsy. Hmm I recall saying that already somewhere. I hope it wasn't here in my last post. hehehe It's like one of those Desha vu things (yeah I am sure I spelled it wrong).
Not to mention it takes tons and tons of apples just to get anything out of it. Especially when making apple sauce. But I think that you are supposed to cook it first, so that it breaks down better, but I don't know for sure. I have made and still do regularly, fresh fruit smoothies. I love them, and no sugar added! I use one of those hand blenders. Well depends on what you call a hand blender. Here they are all mixed up in Sweden of what they mean when they say blender, hand blender, mixer, etc. The thing I am talking about is a long slender thing, that has a metal propeller thing at the end, that will mix up just about anything. It came with this like tall plastic container to mix things up in. Like a mini pitcher. Anyway, I will usually cut up an apple (sometimes peeled sometimes not), sometimes cut up a kiwi but not too often, break up a banana, cut up a pear, sometimes add pineapple either fresh or canned crushed, basically whatever i might have on hand. And I ALWAYS add some frozen strawberries. And sometimes frozen red rasberries which I tend to leave out, because of too many seeds. If I don't have any frozen berries I would have to add some ice cubes to make it cold. Then I pour in a lil pineapple juice if I have any, sometimes I put in apricot or peach nectar if I have it, but again, not very much. Then I pour in some Orange Juice. I add enough fluid to just barely or almost cover the fruit. Then I mix it all up!!! YUM!!! The main thing you will always taste is the strawberry. It is such a strong flavored fruit. Just mix and match fruits. Whatever you have. It needs no sugar at all. It really fantastic!! And healthy!
LOL I did that all the time when I was a teen!! I still would do it with my kids when they learned of doing that. I had almost forgot about dipping french fries in vanilla or chocolate shakes until my kids did it. Oh and I am the queen of eating weird things, which is really funny. Because I am a very very picky eater!! My thing was always mustard! And dill pickles. But mainly mustard! Not brown mustard, I am talking that bright yellow vinegary type mustard. Or even Honey Mustard which I used to make or get at this special restaurant that had it. I put mustard on everything. I used to just bring a mustard sandwich to school for lunch when I was a kid. And sometimes with sliced dill pickles on it. I did this all thru my teenage years! I put it on EVERYTHING. I think it was just because I could tolerate mustard and it would gross everyone out, and that was fun. Amazingly enough it was pretty good on Chocolate cake!!! Shocking! But it is NOT...I repeat NOT good on apple sauce or this brand of packaged dry soup mix called Lipton Noodle Soup they offered in the USA. Ick! But I think that was honey mustard I was putting that to. Oh speaking of the french fries! They are GREAT with Honey Mustard. To make honey mustard you just mix up the bright yellow mustard such as French's brand. And some mayonnaise, and of course honey. Just mix it until its to your liking. It is fantastic stuff. Great for dipping chicken too!!
LOL LOL LOL Sausage ice cream!!! If it were in Sweden I think it would be Fish Egg flavored Ice Cream! lol They eat caviar (not the black expensive stuff) that comes in what looks like a toothpaste tube) lol all the time! ICK I will take a piece of Vanilla cake one of my absolute favorites, chocolate, mud, butterscotch because I have never had that kind, carmel and strawberry! Hmmm that pretty much covers all of them. Okay okay you've convinced me! I will eat a small piece of all of them. And then a large piece of my favorite. Speaking of cake and weird foods. Once me and my friend convinced my husband, the Swede who is blue eyed and blond and very gullible, that the white cake with lil colored confetti candy that we were making was really Peanut Butter Tofu cake. He believed us and didn't eat any of it! hahahaha |
Skittles | #50 26/03/2008 - 21h11 |
Class : ID Newbie Offline |
Here is Sweden I think EVERYONE adds ketchup to their spaghetti!! I just don't get it! It's already made with tomatoes, so what's the point??
When he came to the USA when we got married, I always took it as an insult. I thought my spaghetti was just not good enough! I thought it wasn't saucy enough. So I did all kinds of changes. Different brands of sauce, more chunky, less chunky, etc etc etc. But he ALWAYS added ketchup!!! I didn't know what else to do! When I came here to Sweden I found it is a Swedish thing, because they all do it!!! Now I have to make my own homemade spaghetti from scratch, because they really don't have the jarred stuff here in Sweden. But now I learned how to do it, and it is a killer sauce! And it has a lil kick! hehehe I just love it, and finally after I realize that it is a Swedish thing to put the ketchup on the spaghetti, a couple of times my husband said it was sooo good that he didn't even want to change it slightly. woohooo! At last! |
maëlstrom_19 | #51 27/03/2008 - 07h01 |
Class : ID GFX Offline |
My mom uses to put cups of concentrate tomato and tomato juice instead of tomato sauce only. I've never got it but it's like that and it's really good.
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AO Admin | #52 27/03/2008 - 15h07 |
Class : ID Newbie Offline |
I have never understood that either why people add tomato sauce to spaghetti.... it just is weird IMHO, because it already has tomato in it... :wink: people don't tend to do that here. maëlstrom_19- My mum used to really really annoy my brother when he was making spaghetti mince, as she would just plop a couple of carrots and broccoli in to make it healthy... now that I think about it, I can't actually recall what my brother adds to it to make it tomato... perhaps he adds real tomatoes.. hmm... I never eat spaghetti much... :oops:
I hate exams
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AO Admin | #53 30/03/2008 - 04h46 |
Class : ID Newbie Offline |
Ugh I have a massive headache at the moment
![]() Oh and this morning I woke up and it was extremely freezing so now I have a cold..
I hate exams
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Skittles | #54 30/03/2008 - 05h15 |
Class : ID Newbie Offline |
Oh I hear you about the eye strain. I have spend hours in front of this computer at the SF. I already have blurred vision, and now, I can't hardly see anything. lol I had to increase my view over and over again, so I could see. lol
Kilsek | #55 02/04/2008 - 08h53 |
Class : ID Newbie |
The reason you have blurred vision from the support forum is you are stareing at the screen try to understand what people are saying. Bad enough we got those french folks ![]() |
AO Admin | #56 05/04/2008 - 00h05 |
Class : ID Newbie Offline |
Have any of you guys heard about this?
Its been all over the news everywhere, quite frankly, I don't see what all the fuss is about. He was born a woman, found he was more manly so had testosterone injections and had his breasts removed (but his female bits are still down there) and recently got pregnant. It is not a man giving birth, it is a woman who turned into a half-man still with woman bits giving the baby. ![]() What do you all think? ![]()
I hate exams
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Skittles | #57 07/04/2008 - 05h44 |
Class : ID Newbie Offline |
That is soooo very very true. I was reading and rereading one last night and just could not make sense of it, but thankfully Sunny answered so I didn't have to bother anymore. lol |
Missanthropy | #58 08/04/2008 - 10h20 |
Class : ID Newbie Offline Www |
Wow, I have not heard this story. Thanx for sharing it with us. That's very interesting. I hope all goes well for them with this new baby. Bringing a new baby into the world is a joyous moment for any couple ![]() ![]()
Edited by Missanthropy on 08/04/2008 at 10h20.
Blood | #59 08/04/2008 - 15h08 |
Class : ID Mod Offline |
It's wrong wrong wrong >.<
It's good for him,bt for me it's too big a mind fuck to swallow ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
AO Admin | #60 22/04/2008 - 08h15 |
Class : ID Newbie Offline |
Wow a lot has happened here lately!
Our school made the front page of QLD's most popular newspaper for 4 days straight last week because they banned gay couples from taking their partners to the senior formal, and heaps of people had different opinions and it all ended up in one big religion vs homosexuality debate!! So at the end of last week the topic died down a bit but on monday we began school again and in the morning part of the school was shut off because they found a note threatening the school and a bag containing white powder next to it, and that is believed to be related to the gay issue. So all these ambulances, natural hazards and disaster firetrucks and police came and interviewed various people, then a news crew from channel 9 came and filmed stuff (it made the TV that night). And not to mention there was a rumour floating around that the bag contained Anthrax! I am pretty sure it didn't though... And then today on my way home through the city (I need to go into the city from school to take a connecting bus home) 2 city blocks were shut off because an underground gas pipe was broken during the construction of a skyscraper...
I hate exams
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