Terms of service

Please read these terms of service before using the resources available on this site.

Usage of GFX resources

All resources available on this belong to their respective authors. Unless a licence permitting it is mentioned, you cannot redistribute my resources without my permission, and you cannot sell them.
And even if a licensed permitted redistribution, you MUST NOT take all credits for these resources and so, regarding phpBB2 and phpBB3 styles, you MUST NOT remove the copyright line indicating my name. In case of absence of this line, this is considered as a lack of respect towards style authors and no support will be given to you. Regarding Forumotion styles, you MUST indicate this website's name and link if someone asks where it comes from. Respecting style authors also applies to Forumotion styles that are distributed on Hitskin.
You can modify these styles and templates for your needs and adapt them for other forum platforms, but please contact me if you want to redistribute these derivatives.


As well as for templates and styles, tutorials belong to their respective authors. It is forbidden to distribute them without my permission, unless a license allows it, and it is also forbidden to take credits for them.

Allowed websites

A list of websites who had my permission to distribute my styles or tutorials will be kept up to date.